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Tandem paragliding flights are a great way to enjoy the full paragliding aerial experience, without having to first learn how to start  and control the paraglider by yourself.

you don´t  need to run on takeoff. It is a very comfortable practice and  you keep yourself sitting all  the flight , getting a chance to enjoy the visual and take incredible pictures of different angles  of the most beautiful scenery of the city, with all the security of the best members of the São Conrad´s Club instructors.



Paragliding tandem flying is a great way to enjoy the full aerial experience without having to first learn how to start and control the sail.

No need to run on takeoff.  It is a very comfortable practice, you remain seated throughout the flight, having the chance to enjoy the look and  take amazing photos from different angles of the most beautiful scenery in the city, with all the safety of the  best associate instructors of  São Conrado Free Flight Club.



Watch the video and make

  your dream comes true.


Watch the video  and come make dreams come true.

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